I have wondered if anyone has wondered where we got the name The Tangled Web and why there is a bunny and a raven on our logo.
Christi and I have been friends for a while now and when you are close you start to do things together and get all tangled up in each others lives and way at times. I personally have never met a knitter or crochet craftier or a sew craftier that doesn't have thread and yarn every where. I am personally notorious for getting yarn tangled around objects, myself, and others. And so when it came time for a name it just seemed right. It didn't hurt that our favorite holiday is also Halloween.
Now why you might ask does a bunny have to do with spiders and webs. The raven doesn't even get a second glance, we are sneaky that way. Some where along the way you pick up nick names and Christi's is bunn bunn and mine is Raven. Now to find out more about that you will have to stop by our both at Cowtown Indie Bazaar and ask us.
New Energy for the Tangled Web we are going to be doing a revamping of our Etsy site posting new photos and new stuff for you all to enjoy very soon we hope in the coming months. We have also started to add stuff you can pin on pintreast if you aren't addicted yet shame on you or you must have more to do than I do.
So who is this crazy person writing on this blog. Well today it is the Raven (never more), I perch delicately on the web edge and add more to it as often as I can. I come from a long line of crafters; crochet, cross-stitch, plastic canvas, and sewing. I added knitting, soap, candles, bath products, jewelry making, and more to that list. You can usually find me with needles in my hand and a trail of yarn.

the Raven was here.